Unlock the potential of your data with Fountomics Lifesciences! Our powerful analytics platform allows you to gain insight into complex biological systems quickly and efficiently. With Fountomics, discover the answers you need to advance your research and make a lasting impact on your field.
Fountomics Life Sciences
Unravelling the complexity of proteins and metabolites
Fountomics Life Sciences
Unravelling the complexity of proteins and metabolites
Unlock the Power of Biotools with Fountomics: A Comprehensive Analytical Platform.

Bio Tool Development
Fountomics Lifesciences is dedicated in developing a data analysis tool to providing the highest quality of analytical services. Our technology allows for comprehensive proteomics, genomics and metabolomics data analysis, which is not vendor specific.

Analytical Services
Fountomics Lifesciences is your go-to source for comprehensive Proteomics and Metabolomics Services. With years of experience in Multiple industries, our team of experts has what it takes to provide you with solutions to all of your analytical needs.

Other Collaborative Services
Fountomics Lifesciences also working with partner organizations to synthesize peptides, impurity synthesis, DNA Primers, RNA Primers synthesis. Also, provides bulk purification of pharma and Biopharma products by reverse phase method or Affinity based methods.